Klosterneuburg/Austria, March 29, 2022
ThinkQuantum s.r.l. (ThinkQuantum) offers optical and quantum solutions for security and communication, and fragmentiX Storage Solutions (fragmentiX), leaders in protected multi-cloud storage, are partnering to deliver quantum-safe storage solutions with the highest level of security.
fragmentiX has been implementing Quantum-Key-Distribution (QKD) in several national and European projects. However, partnering with ThinkQuantum allows for further development of QKD technology in storage and communication sourced exclusively in the European Union (EU27). As two innovative SMEs, in EU-member countries, they are combining their competences in QKD, Quantum Random Number Generation (QRNG) and quantum-safe data storage. This provides a unique situation for customers requiring a complete quantum-safe data storage solution from a trusted source.
ThinkQuantum offers QKD over optical fibres, Free-Space QKD – Daylight & Nighttime operation – as well as Satellite QKD Payload & Ground Station. Their QKD products, readily available in large quantities, are completely in the same category, both technically and commercially, as the non-EU27 products used to date. ThinkQuantum’s production and development is located in Sarcedo, Italy, allowing for a completely European (EU27) supply chain. The same principles apply to the intellectual property chain, which include the University of Padua and Officina Stellare spa – their two main partners, who are also based in Italy. Purely European solutions, like ThinkQuantum’s devices represent a turning point for European independence and security regarding Quantum Communication.
“We were very surprised about the high TRL and the availability of the pure EU-27 Alice and Bob devices from ThinkQuantum. This motivated us to visit TQ and the University of Padua Labs. Together with Simone Capeleto, CEO of TQ, we immediately knew that our respective customers in our home countries, but also within the EU-27, would benefit from our mutual partnership.”, says fragmentiX CEO Werner Strasser.
A mutual reseller partnership creates the opportunity of a one-stop point of access for existing and new customers. With fragmentiX Storage Appliances information-theoretical security (ITS) can be guaranteed for “data on rest”, meaning no future quantum computer can decode a single stolen fragment from any cloud or local storage. ThinkQuantum QKD technology provides protection for “data on transit”. Combining the products and technologies will enable the partners to deliver an integrated and comprehensive, fully ITS system to their customers. The distribution of each other’s products will be offered reciprocally in the future. The focus of all products will be on the respective home markets of the two companies, but sales will not be limited to these regions. fragmentiX and ThinkQuantum will thus become European suppliers of both fragmentiX and ThinkQuantum technologies.
Simone Capeleto, co-founder and CEO of ThinkQuantum states: “fragmentiX Secret Sharing and our QKD systems together represent an ideal offer for existing and future customers looking for future-proof cyber security solutions. The collaboration between an Italian and Austrian SME clearly shows that there is both the necessary technical expertise and entrepreneurial spirit in Europe to develop and produce high-security solutions for all relevant industries in the European Union. We are particularly pleased to be immediately involved in a number of customer projects together with fragmentiX.”

About ThinkQuantum srl.
ThinkQuantum Srl is an innovative start-up, spin-off of the University of Padua, offering complete solutions for cyber security and communication systems based on quantum technologies.
The recognition as a spin-off of the University of Padua grants access to resources like Labs, relevant IPs and more. Officina Stellare Spa, as major industrial partner, enables access to its scientific and opto-mechanical engineering skillset, backed by a solid international network and brand awareness in the Space Industry. The co-founders Professors Paolo Villoresi and Giuseppe Vallone with twenty years’ experience in the field and prestigious international positions within the scientific community, represent the scientific milestone of the ThinkQuantum project. Based in Italy with an Italian shareholder structure, ThinkQuantum offers a reliable European supply chain to partners active within geopolitical sensitive application, covering the full value chain, from design and manufacturing to commissioning of quantum key distribution systems and quantum random numbers generation devices.
About fragmentiX Storage Solutions GmbH
fragmentiX Storage Solutions GmbH is the world’s leading developer and manufacturer of secret sharing storage appliances – a technology developed in close cooperation with the AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology. Digital sovereignty and digital resilience is achieved by applying established algorithms – first published by Adi Shamir in 1979 – to industry-standard hardware with a purpose-built, hardened operating system. fragmentiX enables its customers to protect data in hybrid storage environments by eliminating the risk of leaking S3 buckets. The need to trust a single storage provider no longer exists – because only the user knows where their data fragments are stored – and even if a fragment of that data is stolen, it is useless to the thief. The Information Theoretical Security (ITS) provided by fragmentiX is one of a very few ways to start protecting data against future quantum computers. The growing need for storage can now be met in public and private cloud storage scenarios with the help of fragmentiX and 5-year mission-critical support provided within 4 hours by DELL technicians worldwide, whether it’s sensitive medical data, disaster recovery in the cloud, or implementing a cost-effective long-term digital archive.
fragmentiX logo | download image |
ThinkQuantum logo | download image |
Simone Capeleto, CEO of ThinkQuantum, and Werner Strasser, CEO of fragmentiX, with TQ and frX appliances (from top to bottom: TQ Alice, frX CLUSTER Node A, TQ Bob) | download photo |
ThinkQuantum and fragmentiX Meeting in Padua (from left to right: first five – TQ, last two – frX) | download photo |