Protect your data in the cloud with fragmentiX secret sharing storage appliances
With Secret Sharing – one of the few demonstrably unbreakable methods for encrypting data, first published by Adi Shamir – you can now protect your data in public and hybrid cloud storage even against future quantum computing – starting now and cheaper than you think.
With fragmentiX you can not only secure your own data, quantum-safe, but also you can share protected data with partners and associates. fragmentiX technology achieves for you a Trusted Secure Data Sharing space.
To select the right fragmentiX product to support your personal or business use, contact us for a free assessment to review your data usage, data volume, number of users accessing the data, data backup strategy needs and previous data breaches history (if any).
We make digital sovereignty possible

Use cloud technologies safely
With the rising amount of data we generate, read or share everyday, cloud storages become necessary for long-term storage.

Secure your data and files
In the age of quantum computers, current protective measures such as Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and asymmetric encryption alone are no longer sufficient to adequately protect stored data. In the near future, quantum computers will be able to decrypt asymmetrically encrypted data.

Customize your solution
Our technology allows you to customize a network of appliances with the addition to control the details about your data storage locations and the level of security.

Only trust yourself
With the solutions from fragmentiX you won’t need to rely on one cloud provider with the entirety of your data. By using several clouds, or storage LOCATIONS, you will be able to enjoy digital sovereignty.
Learn how our technology works
A word from our founder
“We at fragmentiX are convinced that every individual human being, every company of any size as well as every state has the right to achieve Digital Sovereignty.
As an Austrian and European IT company, we want to ensure that every citizen and company can effectively protect their knowledge and data against the effects of asymmetric hybrid warfare, data theft and industrial espionage.”
Werner Strasser, CEO fragmentix Storage Solutions
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