fragmentiX in projects
– a partial project list –
EU-funded Projects

Apr.2022 – May 2025
INSTAND-NGS4P is an EU-funded Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) project for improving cancer patient’s benefit from Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) by developing an integrated and standardized NGS workflow. For this, it will compile information from cancer gene testing, pharmacogenetics testing and e-medication in proper presentation to medical doctors for supporting therapy decision making at bedside widely applicable in health systems.
The project is led by Medical University of Graz (Medizinische Universität Graz) representing 7 European clinics.
Within the supply chain of Lot 4 “Integrated Reporting”, fragmentiX, as a contractor and the lead partner of the consortium, provides all data security and “privacy by design” products and services, as well as a joint development platform protected by fragmentiX’ own secret sharing appliances and technology to the other partners. ID-Berlin integrates genomic data and e-medication into the hospital information systems. Maxeler provides the visualization platform and low-latency dataflow solutions for data integration. Prime-Force is responsible for document management, versioning and reporting solutions.
Take control of your medical data and decide yourself with whom you share it – using fragmentiX Mobile App and fragmentiX HOME!
Cofunded by the European Union under grant agreement No 874719.

QUARTER consortium
Jun.2023 – Aug.2025
The QUARTER consortium, formed by Telefonica, Thales, Tecnobit Grupo OESIA), AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Fragmentix , QUSIDE, Chilas and LuxQuanta will work together to ensure a significant leap toward the deployment of a quantum secure network for Europe.
QUARTER gathers an unprecedented cluster of specialized and experienced companies in the sector. LuxQuanta, Quside, Chilas, and Fragmentix, are top manufacturers in the field of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), quantum random number generators (QRNG), high performance laser sources, and classical security solutions, respectively.
Alongside these innovative companies, the consortium is proud to partner with Telefonica, the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Tecnobit, and Thales, distinguished and well established leaders in the areas of quantum technologies, security solutions, and telecommunications in Europe.
This project has received funding from the DIGITAL 2021 QCI 01 Digital European Program under Project number No 101091588.

Mar.2023 – Jun.2025
QCI CAT forms the Austrian subproject of the European Commissions EuroQCI initiative. With this, the EU will transform their way of communication to a new, groundbreaking form with security guarantee granted by the laws of nature.
With our top level researchers at five different universities, large industrial partners with grand expertise in security topics and great cooperation from Austrian ministries, QCI CAT will be one of the prime examples to contribute to EuroQCIs overall endeavor. Our consortium is bringing together a mature ecosystem of technology suppliers, integrators & operators and finally end users, which will allow the project to perform its activities as close as possible to the real operation of QKD secured communication networks.
This project has received funding from the DIGITAL-2021-QCI-01 Digital European Program under Project number No 101091642 and the National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development.

Apr.2021 – Jul.2022
The European Union has chosen the QSAFE (Quantum Network System Architecture for Europe) consortium to design the European Quantum Communication Infrastructure. The QSAFE consortium comprises strong European industry partners such as Deutsche Telekom, Thales, Thales Alenia Space and Telefónica and a well-known research institute such as the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology.
The QSAFE study focuses on the generation and distribution of quantum-safe keys (QKD). The first users are expected to be the European Union, EU member states and other government-related agencies.
fragmentiX Storage Solutions provides expertise in Cybersecurity and Privacy as well as information-theoretical secure storage appliances.
Further information:

Sept.2019 – Aug.2022
OpenQKD will act as a facilitator and multiplicator for quantum-based cryptography solutions. The cooperation of European academia, industry and startups on the deployment of open testbed sites across Europe, accessible for external stakeholders to perform field trials, will significantly increase the awareness and facilitate the involvement with QKD.
The consortium consists of a variety of players, including network service providers, global providers of telecommunication equipment, innovative high-tech SMEs, and high-performance research, innovation centers and academic partners, with demonstrable track in various fields of quantum technologies, security, optical networking, and network management.
fragmentiX Storage Solutions coordinated the Use-Case in Graz together with the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. This use case demonstrates secure data sharing of digital histological slides (up to 10 GB/image; big amounts of data), supplied by the Biobank Graz, linked with clinical and genetic data (highly sensitive data) between Medical University Graz and Hospital (Landeskrankenhaus) Graz II. The data is split by a fragmentiX CLUSTER storage appliance into 4 shares with information-theoretic security and transported to up to 3 datacenters from CYC with dark fibre and QKD protection.
Further information:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 857156.
National Projects

Sept.2021 – Aug.2023
Data security and data autonomy is a fundamental necessity for the governmental sector and critical infrastructure in order to secure economic competitiveness as well as national security.
The protection of confidential data, data integrity and data authentication using current encryption methods is threatened by global developments and investments in quantum computers, since asymmetrical encryption methods (public key cryptography) used today can be broken by quantum computers. It is therefore necessary to develop new encryption technologies and systems that are “quantum-safe”.
In addition to the technological research outcomes, the results from QKD4GOV are also the basis for the positioning and potentially active leadership of Austria in the European EuroQCI initiative and will flow into the future national cryptography-infrastructure for governmental authorities.
Under the coordination of AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, fragmentiX provides information-theoretic secure storage appliances to government institutions in Austria as a part of the QKD4GOV project.
Further information:
This project has received funding from the FFG under ecall Nr. 39234141.
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